About Us


EV-World928 is an online portal to promote Electric Vehicles (EV) in ASEAN. The portal will enable industrial vendors to list EV car, bus and related equipment and accessories such as batteries, chargers and accessories. It will also partner with technical institutions and universities to conduct research and provide EV related knowledge such as safety, environment, maintenance, technical etc。 EV-World928 is an initiative by Avision Marketing Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Assurich Group.

Assurich Group is a 39 year old equipment distribution group in Automotive / Engine Rebuild Equipment & Automation. We aim to grow the EV industry in ASEAN by introducing the latest EV technology, equipment and related devices into the region. We will partner with EV equipment manufacturers to achieve this. By doing so, we hope to reduce CO2 emissions and create a greener environment in the region. We look forward to work with all EV related stakeholders from manufacturer, institutional, regulators Etc.

在东盟国家銷售汽保维修设施有39历史的裕丰集团(ASSURICH Group)的子公司。Avision Marketing Pte Ltd 啓动www.EV-world928.com 平台,为推广电动车有关的高科技电动,环保能源等事业,继承过去的经验,人脈,在汽配包括汽车升降机,发动机翻新,机身整形,喷漆房设备等,引进电动车所需包括鋰电池,充电器等家用,工业用等设备,提供安装,保养,维修,並计划和各东盟各国家工艺学院/大学/机构配合,合作,主办包括电动车维修技术/安全措施等课程。诚邀和各界人士参与,配合与合作,谢谢!